If you do not find the solution to your problems or miseries, stop searching the way you did before. Start searching it from a different perspective you have a greater chance of succeeding than failing in your attempt because every problem comes with a solution. It’s just your approach that matters.
Learn from everything around you because knowledge keeps on flowing to you irrespective of your age and position.
While climbing a tree for the first time, you may fall several times. But make sure that you learn something from each fall and improve upon it and each of your learnings will guarantee your success at the end.
More often than not, success is delusional. People believe in it because people are happy to keep away from truth.
What makes our problems so problematic is that we generally don’t have the courage to face them. Hence, the only solution to a problem is facing it.
Considering yourself to be weak is your greatest weakness and hence a powerful tool for self-destruction.
In times of anguish and sorrow, one just needs stability i.e., one just needs to be calm and composed. One’s mind shouldn’t be troubled. This will enable one to face the challenges that life poses.
It does not matter how revered you are in the society. It’s more important that you are accomplishing your dreams and aspirations and making your life purposeful.
A man with an ability to part with happiness to see others’ smile is the happiest person you will ever encounter.
It’s important to explore new things because exploration tells you the purpose of your life.
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